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Intermediate Domain Model Specification

This page specifies the structure and semantics of the intermediate metamodel for LEMMA domain models. All obtained intermediate LEMMA domain models must conform to this metamodel to ensure consistent behavior of LEMMA model processors. The following figure shows the metamodel's structure:

Structure of the metamodel for intermediate domain models

The source code of the metamodel specification can be found at

Each of the following sections describes certain concepts of the metamodel.


Attributes that may contain more than one value but exhibit a * multiplicity, i.e., they may contain an arbitrary number of values or even none at all (* is shorthand UML notation for 0..*), are never null.

In case no multiplicity is stated after the object type of an attribute, the attribute may be null. For example, an attribute defined as String name implicitly has a multiplicity 0..1 and in the zero-case the String may be null.

However, in case the attribute's type is a built-in primitive Java type, e.g. int, the attribute will never be null but exhibits the type's default value in case it did not receive an explicit value.

Model Root

Class IntermediateDataModel

Root of an intermediate domain model.

String[1] sourceModelUri

file:// URI pointing to the source domain model file from which this intermediate domain model was derived.


Model processors must not depend on this URI being absolute or relative. Both cases may occur in practice and are up to the modeler.

IntermediateImport[*] imports

References to the intermediate representations of imported domain models.

IntermediateVersion[*] versions

Versions being defined in the source domain model.

IntermediateContext[*] contexts

Contexts being defined in the source domain model. If a domain model has versions it may not have contexts under the model root. They are, instead, encapsulated within the versions attribute.

IntermediateComplexType[*] complexTypes

IntermediateDataStructure, IntermediateCollectionType, and IntermediateEnumeration, instances being defined in the source domain model. If a domain model has versions or contexts, it may not have complexTypes under the model root. They are, instead, encapsulated within the versions or contexts attributes


At least one of the attributes versions, contexts, or compexTypes will have values, because LEMMA does not allow empty domain models.


LEMMA models and their elements may refer to each other. For instance, a service model may refer to domain-specific types defined in a domain model. This interlinkage of the different LEMMA model kinds and their elements is realized on the basis of an import mechanism. That is, a service model may import a domain model to enable the modeler to refer to modeled domain-specific types. However, certain model kinds also allow for importing instances of the same type. A domain model, for example, may import other domain models to use their data structures as types for the fields of its own structures.

Class IntermediateImport

Concept to represent the import of a domain model into the source domain model.

String[1] name

Alias of the import. Unique within the same domain model.

String[1] importUri

Unique file:// URI that points to the location of the intermediate representation of the imported domain model.


Model processors must not depend on this URI being absolute or relative. Both cases may occur in practice and are up to the modeler.

String[1] importTypeName

Name of the import type. For domain models, the value of this attribute is always "DATATYPES".

IntermediateDataModel[1] dataModel

Link to the containing IntermediateDataModel instance.

String[1] getImportTypeNameForDatatypes()

Helper that returns the name of the import type for domain-specific types. This method will always return the value "DATATYPES", which corresponds to the only possible value of the importTypeName attribute.

Namespace Concepts

Namespace concepts allow for organizing a domain model. Conceptually, they correspond to Java's package mechanism.

Class IntermediateVersion

A namespace concept to organize evolved contents of a domain model in different versions.

String[1] name

Name of the version. Unique within the same domain model.

IntermediateComplexType[*] complexTypes

Complex types defined directly within the version.

IntermediateContext[*] contexts

Contexts encapsulated by the version.


For the same IntermediateVersion, either the complexTypes or the contexts attribute will contain values but neither both.

IntermediateDataModel[1] dataModel

Link to the containing IntermediateDataModel instance.

Class IntermediateContext

A namespace concept to organize domain-specific types of a domain model in semantic domains that may correspond to Bounded Contexts.

String[1] name

Name of the context. Unique within the same domain model or version.

String[1] qualifiedName

Qualified name of the context. The qualified name of the context consists of the name of the version, if any, and the name of the context separated by a dot. In case the context is not part of a version, the qualifiedName equals the context's name.


The IntermedateVersion class does not comprise a qualifiedName attribute, because versions may not be contained within an instance of another model concept's class except for the nameless model root.

IntermediateComplexType[1..*] complexTypes

Complex types being defined within the context.

IntermediateDataModel dataModel

Link to the containing IntermediateDataModel instance.

IntermediateVersion version

Link to the containing IntermediateVersion instance.


Only one of the attributes dataModel or version has a value, depending on whether the context is defined directly under the model root or within a version.


Contexts may not be nested.

Built-in Type System

This subsection describes concepts that are part of LEMMA's built-in type system provided by the Domain Data Modeling Language. The type system is aligned to Java and contains all built-in Java primitive types as well as the native types date, string, and unspecified.

Besides the unspecified type, the type conversions observe Java's widening primitive conversions for primitively typed fields. The unspecified type, however, is not compatible with any other type. More precisely, two distinct fields with the unspecified type are not considered to be compatible. That is, the unspecified type communicates the intended current absence of a type, e.g., to determine that a typing decision has not been taken, yet.

Two data structures are compatible, if their fields are compatible, independent of their type ordering. Two distinct enumerations are compatible, if the value-receiving enumeration comprises all initialization values of the value-providing enumeration.

Enum IntermediateTypeKind

Enumeration to specify the kind of an IntermediateType instance being referenced in some place.


Referenced type is an IntermediateCollectionType.


Referenced type is an IntermediateEnumeration.


Referenced type is an IntermediatePrimitiveType.


Referenced type is an IntermediateDataStructure.

Enum IntermediateTypeOrigin

Enumeration to specify the origin of an IntermediateType instance being referenced in some place.


Type is an IntermediateComplexType defined in a domain model.


Type is a built-in type.


Type is technology-specific. Technology-specific types may be used to map built-in primitive types to technology-specific types, e.g., float to float32 in the Go programming language. Moreover, they may be used to declare technology-specific structure or collection types. Code generators need to be able to interpret technology-specific types that were defined in a LEMMA technology model.


Currently, the following combinations of IntermediateTypeKind and IntermediateTypeOrigin values are possible:

Kind Origin

Abstract Class IntermediateType

Abstract super class for all types.

String[1] name

Name of the type.

IntermediateTypeOrigin[1] origin

Origin of the type.

IntermediateTypeKind[1] kind

Kind of the type.

IntermediateDataField[1] dataField

Data field that is typed by this type's instance.

Class IntermediatePrimitiveType : IntermediateType

Representation of a primitive type being used within the domain model.

Integer size

Size of the primitive type in bits. The built-in primitive types have the following sizes:

Type Size (in bits)
boolean 1
byte 8
char 16
date null (object type)
double 64
float 32
int 32
long 64
short 16
string null (object type)
unspecified null (communicates type absence)

IntermediateDataField initializedDataField

Link to the IntermediateDataField, whose initialization value is compatible with this primitive type.

IntermediateEnumerationField initializedEnumerationField

Link to the IntermediateEnumerationField, whose initialization value is compatible with this primitive type.

Custom, Domain-Specific Types

Class IntermediateComplexType : IntermediateType

Super class of complex types like IntermediateDataStructure, IntermediateCollectionType, and IntermediateEnumeration.

String[1] qualifiedName

Qualified name of the type. Corresponds to the name of the type prefixed by its version, if any, and its context, if any. The qualifying fragments are separated by dots.

IntermediateImportedAspect[*] aspects

The aspects that were assigned to the complex type.

IntermediateDataModel dataModel

Link to the containing IntermediateDataModel instance.

IntermediateVersion version

Link to the containing IntermediateVersion instance.

IntermediateContext context

Link to the containing IntermediateContext instance.


Only one of the attributes dataModel, version, or context has a value, depending on whether the type is defined directly under the model root, within a version, or within a context.

Class IntermediateImportedComplexType : IntermediateComplexType

This class represents an IntermediateComplexType that has been imported from another domain model.

IntermediateImport import

The import from which the complex type originates.

Class IntermediateDataStructure : IntermediateComplexType

A domain-specific data structure that usually comprises a variety of typed fields.

String[*] featureNames

This attribute contains the names of all features specified for the data structure. The following values are possible:

Feature Name Description
"AGGREGATE" Data structure is an Aggregate in the sense of Domain-driven Design (DDD).
"APPLICATION_SERVICE" Data structure is a Service with application focus in the sense of DDD.
"DOMAIN_EVENT" Data structure is a Domain Event in the sense of DDD.
"DOMAIN_SERVICE" Data structure is a Service with domain focus in the sense of DDD.
"ENTITY" Data structure is an Entity in the sense of DDD.
"FACTORY" Data structure is a Factory in the sense of DDD.
"INFRASTRUCTURE_SERVICE" Data structure is a Service with infrastructure focus in the sense of DDD.
"REPOSITORY" Data structure is a Repository in the sense of DDD.
"SERVICE" Data structure is a Service in the sense of DDD.
"SPECIFICATION" Data structure is a Specification in the sense of DDD.
"VALUE_OBJECT" Data structure is a Value Object in the sense of DDD.


DDD-related features should follow the constraints described here. LEMMA's Domain Data Modeling Language currently only issues warnings in case constraints are violated. Model processors are however free to deny functioning and yield errors in case they detect constraint violations.

IntermediateDataStructure super

The super data structure from which this data structure inherits.


LEMMA's Domain Data Modeling Language supports single inheritance only. Furthermore, the super data structure must be defined within the same domain model. It cannot be imported from another domain model.

IntermediateDataField[*] dataFields

Data fields of the structure.


In case the data structure inherits from a super structure, the attribute also contains inherited, non-hidden fields. Inherited fields of a structure can be distinguished from "local" fields by means of the IntermediateDataField concept's inherited attribute.

IntermediateDataOperation[*] operations

Operations of the structure.


In case the data structure inherits from a super structure, the attribute also contains inherited, non-hidden operations. Inherited operations of a structure can be distinguished from "local" operations by means of the IntermediateOperation concept's inherited attribute.

Class IntermediateDataOperation

An operation within an IntermediateDataStructure.

String[1] name

Name of the operation. Unique within the same structure.

String[1] qualifiedName

Qualified name of the operation. Corresponds to the name of the operation prefixed by the qualified name of the defining IntermediateDataStructure. The name fragments are separated by dots.

boolean hidden

Flag to indicate if the operation is hidden. Semantically, this flag corresponds to Java's private accessibility modifier. However, the flag differs in that an inherited operation may also be set to hidden. That is, operations' visibility may be overridden. A hidden operation is not visible in any of the following levels of the inheritance hierarchy.

boolean inherited

Flag to indicate if the operation was inherited from a super structure.

String[*] featureNames

This attribute contains the names of all features specified for the operation. The following values are possible:

Feature Name Description
"CLOSURE" Operation is a Closure in the sense of DDD.
"IDENTIFIER" Operation acts as identifier for an Entity in the sense of DDD (see also the featureNames attribute of the IntermediateDataStructure concept).
"SIDE_EFFECT_FREE" Operation is side-effect-free in the sense of DDD.
"VALIDATOR" Operation acts as validator for a Specification in the sense of DDD (see also the featureNames attribute of the IntermediateDataStructure concept).


DDD-related features should follow the constraints described here. LEMMA's Domain Data Modeling Language currently only issues warnings in case constraints are violated. Model processors are however free to deny functioning and yield errors in case they detect constraint violations.

IntermediateDataOperationReturnType returnType

The return type of the operation. This attribute is empty when no return type was specified.

IntermediateDataOperationParameter[*] parameters

The parameters of the operation.

IntermediateImportedAspect[*] aspects

The aspects that were assigned to the operation.

Class IntermediateDataOperationReturnType

The return type of an IntermediateDataOperation.

IntermediateType[1] type

The return type.


The attribute always holds a unique IntermediateType instance , i.e., instances of the same types are not reused.


Model processors must use this type as the operation's return type and not the originalType.

IntermediateType[1] originalType

The original return type of the operation.


The attribute always holds a value. In case the value differs from that of the type attribute, the return type got altered in a mapping model and the type attribute attribute holds an instance of the IntermediateImportedTechnologySpecificType concept that identifies the technology-specific type to which the original return type was mapped.

IntermediateImportedAspect[*] aspects

The aspects that were assigned to the return type within a mapping model.

Class IntermediateDataOperationParameter

A parameter within an IntermediateDataOperation.

String[1] name

Name of the parameter. Unique within the same operation.

String[1] qualifiedName

Qualified name of the parameter. Corresponds to the name of the parameter prefixed by the qualified name of the defining IntermediateDataOperation. The name fragments are separated by dots.

IntermediateType[1] type

The type of the parameter.


The attribute always holds a unique IntermediateType instance , i.e., instances of the same types are not reused.


Model processors must use this type as the operation's return type and not the originalType.

IntermediateType[1] originalType

The original type of the parameter.


The attribute always holds a value. In case the value differs from that of the type attribute, the type got altered in a mapping model and the type attribute attribute holds an instance of the IntermediateImportedTechnologySpecificType concept that identifies the technology-specific type to which the parameter's original type was mapped.

IntermediateImportedAspect[*] aspects

The aspects that were assigned to the return type within a mapping model.

Class IntermediateDataField

A field within an IntermediateDataStructure.

String[1] name

Name of the field. Unique within the same structure or collection type.

String[1] qualifiedName

Qualified name of the field. Corresponds to the name of the field prefixed by the qualified name of the defining IntermediateDataStructure. The name fragments are separated by dots.

boolean hidden

Flag to indicate if the field is hidden. Semantically, this flag corresponds to Java's private accessibility modifier. However, the flag differs in that an inherited field may also be set to hidden. That is, fields' visibility may be overridden. A hidden field is not visible in any of the following levels of the inheritance hierarchy.

boolean immutable

Flag to indicate whether the field is immutable or not. In Java, for example, an immutable field could correspond to a field that has no public setter.

boolean inherited

Flag to indicate if the field was inherited from a super structure.

String[*] featureNames

This attribute contains the names of all features specified for the field. The following values are possible:

Feature Name Description
"IDENTIFIER" Field acts as identifier for an Entity in the sense of DDD (see also the featureNames attribute of the IntermediateDataStructure concept).
"NEVER_EMPTY" Field should never be empty.
"PART" Field is a part of a DDD Aggregate (see also the featureNames attribute of the IntermediateDataStructure concept).


DDD-related features should follow the constraints described here. LEMMA's Domain Data Modeling Language currently only issues warnings in case constraints are violated. Model processors are however free to deny functioning and yield errors in case they detect constraint violations.

String initializationValue

If the field has an initialization value, it is encoded in this attribute. It is guaranteed that the initialization value is compatible to all primitive types in the initializationValueCompatibleTypes attribute.


Only fields defined in data structures can receive an initialization value.


A field with the built-in primitive type unspecified cannot receive an initialization value.

IntermediatePrimitiveType[*] initializationValueCompatibleTypes

If the field exhibits an initialization value, this attribute comprises all primitive types to which the initialization value is compatible.


There is no determined order in which the primitive types appear in the attribute.

IntermediateType[1] type

The type of the field.


The attribute always holds a unique IntermediateType instance , i.e., instances of the same types are not reused.


Model processors must use this type as the field's type and not the originalType.

IntermediateType[1] originalType

The original type of the field.


The attribute always holds a value. In case the value differs from that of the type attribute, the type got altered in a mapping model and the type attribute attribute holds an instance of the IntermediateImportedTechnologySpecificType concept that identifies the technology-specific type to which the field's original type was mapped.

IntermediateImportedAspect[*] aspects

The aspects that were assigned to the field within a mapping model.

IntermediateDataStructure dataStructure

Link to the defining IntermediateDataStructure instance.

Class IntermediateCollectionType : IntermediateComplexType

A domain-specific collection type.

boolean primitiveCollection

Flag to indicate if this is a collection that contains a sequence of primitive values.

boolean structuredCollection

Flag to indicate if this collection consists of one or more data fields.


Exactly one of the flags primitiveCollection or structuredCollection will always be true.

IntermediatePrimitiveType primitiveType

In case the collection is a primitive collection, this attribute contains the IntermediatePrimitiveType instance that identifies the primitive type of the collection's values.

IntermediateDataField[*] dataFields

In case the collection is a structured collection, this attribute contains the IntermediateDataStructure instances that prescribe the structure of the collection's values.

Class IntermediateEnumeration : IntermediateComplexType

A domain-specific enumeration.

String[*] featureNames

This attribute contains the names of all features specified for the enumeration. The following values are possible:

Feature Name Description
"DOMAIN_EVENT" Enumeration is a Domain Event in the sense of DDD.
"VALUE_OBJECT" Enumeration is a Value Object in the sense of DDD.


DDD-related features should follow the constraints described here. LEMMA's Domain Data Modeling Language currently only issues warnings in case constraints are violated. Model processors are however free to deny functioning and yield errors in case they detect constraint violations.

IntermediateEnumerationField[1..*] fields

The fields of the enumeration.

Class IntermediateEnumerationField

A field of an IntermediateEnumeration.

String[1] name

Name of the field. Unique within the same enumeration.

String[1] qualifiedName

Qualified name of the field. Corresponds to the name of the field prefixed by the qualified name of the defining IntermediateEnumeration. The name fragments are separated by dots.

String initializationValue

Initialization value of the field. It is guaranteed that the initialization value is compatible to all primitive types in the initializationValueCompatibleTypes attribute.

IntermediatePrimitiveType[*] initializationValueCompatibleTypes

If the field exhibits an initialization value, this attribute comprises all primitive types to which the initialization value is compatible.


There is no determined order in which the primitive types appear in the attribute.

IntermediateEnumeration enumeration

Link to the defining IntermediateEnumeration instance.


In the following, concepts for technology assignment, e.g., to complex types and intermediate concepts for constructs from other modeling languages such as IntermediateMicroservice are described.

Class IntermediateImportedTechnologySpecificType : IntermediateType

Intermediate representation of a type defined within a technology model.

String[1] qualifiedName

Qualified name of the type. Consists of the name of the defining technology, the "_types" prefix as internal qualifier within the technology model, and the name of the type, separated by dots.

IntermediateImport[1] import

The IntermediateImport instance pointing to the technology model from which the type was imported.

Class IntermediateImportedAspect

Aspects allow semantic refinement of modeled complex types, operations, their parameters and return types, as well as fields. Next to domain-specific modeling concepts, aspects also target constructs from other LEMMA modeling languages and their intermediate representations, e.g., IntermediateMicroservice and IntermediateOperationNode.

Aspects are defined within technology models. An aspect definition might be accompanied with properties and have their applicability constrained to certain peculiarities of concept instances to which they apply. With this mechanism it is possible to create, e.g., aspects for the OR mapping of data structures or the specification of HTTP status codes returned by a microservice operation.

String[1] name

Name of the aspect.

String[1] qualifiedName

Qualified name of the aspect. Consists of the name of the defining technology, the "_aspects" prefix as internal qualifier within the technology model, and the name of the aspect, separated by dots.

String[*] featureNames

This attribute contains the names of all features specified for the aspect. The following values are possible:

Feature Name Description
"SINGE_VALUED" Flag to indicate that an aspect may only be applied once at a target element.

IntermediateImport[1] import

The IntermediateImport instance pointing to the technology model from which the type was imported.

IntermediateAspectProperty[*] properties

Properties of the aspect as defined in its technology model.

IntermediateAspectPropertyValue[*] propertyValues

Values for aspect properties as assigned in the aspect's application within the source model.

IntermediateComplexType complexType

IntermediateComplexType to which the aspect was applied.

IntermediateDataOperation operation

IntermediateDataOperation to which the aspect was applied.

IntermediateDataOperationParameter parameter

IntermediateDataOperationParameter to which the aspect was applied.

IntermediateDataField dataField

IntermediateDataField to which the aspect was applied.

Map<IntermediateAspectProperty, String> getEffectivePropertyValues()

Helper to return the effective property values for an aspect application. The effective property values consist of the default values for the aspect's properties and the property values specific to the aspect's application.

Class IntermediateAspectProperty

Specification of an aspect property.

String[1] name

Name of the property. Unique within the same aspect.

String[1] type

Name of the property's primitive type. The attribute can receive one of the following values:

  • "boolean"
  • "byte"
  • "char"
  • "date"
  • "double"
  • "float"
  • "int"
  • "long"
  • "short"
  • "string"


A property cannot be of the built-in primitive type unspecified.

String defaultValue

This attribute encodes a possible default value of the property. It is guaranteed that this value fits the property's type.

String[*] featureNames

This attribute contains the names of all features specified for the property. The following values are possible:

Feature Name Description
"MANDATORY" Flag to indicate that the property needs to receive a value. It is guaranteed that all mandatory properties receive a value during the application of the respective aspect.
"SINGE_VALUED" Flag to indicate that a property may only receive a value once. It is guaranteed that all single-valued properties receive at most one value during the application of the respective aspect.

IntermediateImportedAspect aspect

The aspect to which the property belongs.

Class IntermediateAspectPropertyValue

Value of an IntermediateAspectProperty.

String[1] value

The value encoded as a String.

IntermediateAspectProperty[1] property

The aspect property for which the value was specified.

IntermediateImportedAspect aspect

The aspect application to which the property value belongs.

Last update: 2022-12-16 by Florian Rademacher