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Intermediate Service Model Specification

This page specifies the structure and semantics of the intermediate metamodel for LEMMA service models. All obtained intermediate LEMMA service models must conform to this metamodel to ensure consistent behavior of LEMMA model processors. The following figure shows the metamodel's structure:

Structure of the metamodel for intermediate service models

The source code of the metamodel specification can be found at

Each of the following sections describes certain concepts of the metamodel.


Attributes that may contain more than one value but exhibit a * multiplicity, i.e., they may contain an arbitrary number of values or even none at all (* is shorthand UML notation for 0..*), are never null.

In case no multiplicity is stated after the object type of an attribute, the attribute may be null. For example, an attribute defined as String name implicitly has a multiplicity 0..1 and in the zero-case the String may be null.

However, in case the attribute's type is a built-in primitive Java type, e.g. int, the attribute will never be null but exhibits the type's default value in case it did not receive an explicit value.

Model Root

Class IntermediateServiceModel

Root of an intermediate service model.

String[1] sourceModelUri

file:// URI pointing to the source service model file from which this intermediate service model was derived.


Model processors must not depend on this URI being absolute or relative. Both cases may occur in practice and are up to the modeler.

IntermediateImport[*] imports

References to imported technology models, intermediate domain models, or intermediate service models.

IntermediateMicroservice[1..*] microservices

Microservices defined in the service model.


Class IntermediateMicroservice

A modeled microservice.

String[1] sourceModelUri

file:// URI pointing to the source service model file from which this microservice originates.


Model processors must not depend on this URI being absolute or relative. Both cases may occur in practice and are up to the modeler.

String[1] name

Name of the microservice. Unique within the same service model.

String version

Optional version of the service.

String[1] qualifiedName

Qualified name of the service. Consists of the service's name prefixed by its version, if any. Both name fragments are separated by dots.

String[1] type

Type of the microservice. The following values are possible:

Type Description
"FUNCTIONAL" A functional microservice realizes the business functions of a microservice architecture.
"INFRASTRUCTURE" Infrastructure microservices provide the architecture with capabilities that are not related to business but technical functions. Examples of such functions comprise database lookups or integration of legacy systems.
"UTILITY" Teams may realize utility microservices to implement reusable, business-related helper functions, e.g., for currency conversion.

String[1] visibility

Visibility of the microservice. The following values are possible:

Visibility Description
"INTERNAL" Service must only be visible to the services of the same team.
"ARCHITECTURE" Service must only be visible to the services of the same architecture, but not to external consumers.
"PUBLIC" Service must be visible to all services of the same architecture and also to external consumers.

boolean effectivelyImplemented

Flag to indicate if the microservice has at least one operation that is not marked as being not implemented (either directly or transitively via its defining interface.


Model processors should consider to also handle not (yet) implemented microservices. Code generators, for example, might produce code that returns failures upon invocation of non-implemented service capabilities.

IntermediateTechnology[*] technologies

Technologies assigned to the microservice.


There can only be one technology that defines default primitive types. Moreover, it is guaranteed that default protocol/data format combinations are unambiguous. For instance, there can only be one default synchronous protocol across all referenced technologies.


In case no fitting technologies are specified for a microservice, model processors are free to omit processing steps if they cover only specific technologies.

IntermediateEndpoint[*] endpoints

Endpoints specified for the microservice.


If no endpoints were modeled for the microservice's (default) protocol specifications , the addresses attribute of the IntermediateEndpoint instance will be empty.


If no endpoints were specified or could be determined from (default) protocol specifications , or in case the addresses attribute is empty, model processors may assume sensible defaults.

IntermediateProtocolSpecification[0..2] protocols

Protocol specifications of the microservice. There might be at most one protocol specification per communication type (synchronous or asynchronous).


If the service has no protocol specifications, code generators may produce sensible defaults, e.g., from the microservice's name.


In case the microservice had no protocols assigned in the source service model, the default protocols of the missing communication types are taken from the service's technologies, if any. That is, the attribute will only be empty if the microservice had no protocol-defining technology assigned.

MicroserviceReference[*] requiredMicroservices

References to required microservices.

InterfaceReference[*] requiredInterfaces

References to required interfaces.

OperationReference[*] requiredOperations

References to required operations.

IntermediateImportedAspect[*] aspects

Aspects of the microservice.

IntermediateServiceModel serviceModel

Link to the defining IntermediateServiceModel instance.

Class IntermediateInterface

This class represents an interface of an IntermediateMicroservice.

String[1] name

Name of the interface. Unique within the same microservice.

String version

Optional version of the interface.

String[1] qualifiedName

Qualified name of the interface. Consists of the defining microservice's qualified name, and the interface's version and name. All name fragments are separated by dots.

String[1] visibility

Visibility of the interface. The following values are possible:

Visibility Description
"INTERNAL" Interface must only be visible to the services of the same team.
"IN_MODEL" Interface must only be visible to the services within the same service model file.
"ARCHITECTURE" Interface must only be visible to the services of the same architecture, but not to external consumers.
"PUBLIC" Interface must be visible to all services of the same architecture and also to external consumers.

boolean notImplemented

Flag to indicate if the interface was marked as being not implemented.


Model processors should consider to also handle not (yet) implemented interfaces. Code generators, for example, might produce code that returns failures upon invocation of non-implemented service capabilities.

boolean hasImplementedOperations

Flag to indicate if the interface has at least one operation that is not marked as being not implemented.


Model processors should consider to also handle not (yet) implemented interfaces. Code generators, for example, might produce code that returns failures upon invocation of non-implemented service capabilities.


The notImplemented and hasImplementedOperations flags are independent of each other. The former is set by the modeler, while the latter is derived from the corresponding flags of the interface's operations.

IntermediateEndpoint[*] endpoints

Endpoints specified for the interface.


If no endpoints were modeled for the interface's (default) protocol specifications , the addresses attribute of the IntermediateEndpoint instance will be empty.


If no endpoints were specified or could be determined from (default) protocol specifications , or in case the addresses attribute is empty, model processors may assume sensible defaults.

IntermediateProtocolSpecification[0..2] protocols

Protocol specifications of the interface. There might be at most one protocol specification per communication type (synchronous or asynchronous).


If no protocols were explicitly specified for the interface, it "inherits" the specifications of its microservice. In case the service does also not exhibit protocol specifications, model processors should assume sensible defaults.


In case the microservice had no protocols assigned in the source service model, the default protocols of the missing communication types are taken from the service's technologies, if any. That is, the attribute will only be empty if the microservice had no protocol-defining technology assigned.

IntermediateOperation[*] operations

Operations of the interface.

IntermediateReferredOperation[*] referredOperations

Referred operations of the interface.


An interface defines at least one operation or refers to an existing operation, i.e., at least one of the attributes operations and [referredOperations] is not empty.

IntermediateImportedAspectconcept-[*] aspects

Aspects of the interface.

IntermediateMicroservice microservice

Link to the defining IntermediateMicroservice instance.

Class IntermediateOperation

This class represents an operation of an IntermediateInterface.

String[1] name

Name of the operation. Unique within the same interface.

String[1] qualifiedName

Qualified name of the operation. Consists of the operation's name prefixed by its interface's qualified name. Both name fragments are separated by dots.

String[1] visibility

Visibility of the microservice. The following values are possible:

Visibility Description
"INTERNAL" Operation must only be visible to the services of the same team.
"IN_MODEL" Operation must only be visible to the services within the same service model file.
"ARCHITECTURE" Operation must only be visible to the services of the same architecture, but not to external consumers.
"PUBLIC" Operation must be visible to all services of the same architecture and also to external consumers.

boolean notImplemented

Flag to indicate if the operation was marked as being not implemented.


Model processors should consider to also handle not (yet) implemented operations. Code generators, for example, might produce code that returns failures upon invocation of non-implemented service capabilities.

IntermediateEndpoint[*] endpoints

Endpoints specified for the interface.


If no endpoints were modeled for the operation's (default) protocol specifications , the addresses attribute of the IntermediateEndpoint instance will be empty.


If no endpoints were specified or could be determined from (default) protocol specifications , or in case the addresses attribute is empty, model processors may assume sensible defaults.

IntermediateProtocolSpecification[0..2] protocols

Protocol specifications of the operation. There might be at most one protocol specification per communication type (synchronous or asynchronous).


If no protocols were explicitly specified for the operation, it "inherits" the specifications of its interface. In case the interface does also not exhibit protocol specifications, model processors should assume sensible defaults.

IntermediateParameter[*] parameters

The operation's parameters.


There might be more than one outgoing parameter and it is up to model processors on how to interpret such circumstances. For example, a code generator might represent all outgoing parameters as fields of a uniforming data structure.

IntermediateApiOperationComment[0..1] apiOperationComment

API comment of the operation.

IntermediateImportedAspect[*] aspects

Aspects of the operation.

IntermediateInterface interface

Link to the defining IntermediateInterface instance.

Class IntermediateApiOperationComment

This concept represents an API-related comment of a microservice operation. Such comments shall describe the purpose of a microservice operation, possibly including its parameters (cf. the IntermediateApiParameterComment concept).

String[1] comment

Comment content.

IntermediateApiParameterComment[*] parameterComments

API comments for the operation's parameters.


It is possible that a parameter is commented more than once. It is up to model processors how they treat such a situation. For instance, a code generator might ignore all comments except for the last one.

IntermediateOperation operation

The operation documented by this comment.

Class IntermediateApiParameterComment

This concept represents an API-related comment of a microservice operation parameter.

String[1] comment

Comment content.

boolean required

Flag to indicate if this parameter is required by the described API.


It is possible to even document parameters that were modeled optional as required.

boolean returned

Flag to indicate if this parameter is returned by the described API.

IntermediateParameter parameter

The parameter documented by this comment.

IntermediateApiOperationComment operationComment

The API operation comment to which this parameter comment belongs.

Class IntermediateParameter

A microservice operation parameter.

String[1] name

Name of the parameter. Unique within the same operation.

String[1] qualifiedName

Qualified name of the parameter. Consists of the parameter's name prefixed by its operation's qualified name. Both name fragments are separated by dots.

String[1] exchangePattern

Exchange pattern of the parameter. The following values are possible:

Pattern Description
"IN" Incoming information exchange.
"OUT" Outgoing information exchange.
"INOUT" Incoming and outgoing information exchange.

String[1] communicationType

Communication type of the parameter. The following values are possible:

Type Description
"ASYNCHRONOUS" Asynchronous communication.
"SYNCHRONOUS" Synchronous communication.

boolean communicatesFault

Flag to indicate that the parameter communicates failure values to the caller.


If necessary, it is up to model processors to ensure that callers are aware of the parameter communicating failure values.

boolean optional

Flag to indicate that the parameter is optional.


The combination of exchange pattern, communication type, and the optional attribute determines a parameter's and thus operation's "timing behavior":

Exchange Pattern Communication Type Optional? Timing Behavior
"IN" "ASYNCHRONOUS" false Operation must receive value at some point in time during its execution for the respective parameter.
"IN" "ASYNCHRONOUS" true Operation may receive value at some point in time during its execution for the respective parameter.
"IN" "SYNCHRONOUS" false Operation is only executable with the respective parameter receiving a value.
"IN" "SYNCHRONOUS" true Operation is executable without the respective parameter receiving a value. Furthermore, the operation cannot expect to ever receive a value for the respective parameter.
"OUT" "ASYNCHRONOUS" false Operation uses the respective parameter to emit a value at some point in time during its execution.
"OUT" "ASYNCHRONOUS" true Operation may use the respective parameter to emit a value at some point in time during its execution.
"OUT" "SYNCHRONOUS" false Operation uses the respective parameter to emit a value after its execution.
"OUT" "SYNCHRONOUS" true Operation may use the respective parameter to emit a value after its execution.
"INOUT" all all Operation treats the parameter as an incoming and outgoing parameter for the concrete communication type and optional flag.

IntermediateType[1] type

The type of the parameter.


Model processors must use this type as the parameter's type and not the originalType.


A parameter can receive the unspecified type only if the operation is not implemented.

IntermediateType[1] originalType

The original type of the parameter.


The attribute always holds a value. In case the value differs from that of the type attribute, the parameter type got altered in a mapping model and the type attribute attribute holds an instance of the IntermediateImportedTechnologySpecificType concept that identifies the technology-specific type to which the original return type was mapped.

OperationReference initializedByOperation

Link to the IntermediateOperation that initializes the parameter.


It is not guaranteed that the operation's return values and the parameter's type are compatible. This is due to LEMMA's Service Modeling Language yielding a warning only in case it detected a (possible) type incompatibility.

IntermediateImportedAspect[*] aspects

Aspects of the parameter.

DataFieldAspects[*] fieldAspects

Aspects that were assigned to fields of the structure type or enumeration type of the parameter within a mapping model.


These aspects are relevant only in the context of the parameter within its defining operation. That is, they are not relevant in the context of the type that defines the fields within its domain model.

IntermediateOperation operation

Link to the defining IntermediateOperation instance.

Class DataFieldAspects

This concept gathers aspects, which were assigned to fields of a parameter's structure type or enumeration type within a mapping model.

String[1] name

The name of the structure type's or enumeration type's field to which the aspects were assigned in the context of the parameter.

String[1] qualifiedName

Qualified name of the field. Consists of the field's name prefixed by the parameter's qualified name. Both name fragments are separated by dots.

IntermediateImportedAspect[1..*] aspects

The aspects that were assigned to the field in the context of the parameter.

IntermediateParameter parameter

Link to the defining IntermediateParameter instance.

Class IntermediateReferredOperation

Referred operation of an interface. By contrast to "locally defined" operations, referred operations do not implement their own business logic. Instead, they act as façades to implemented operations within the same microservice. That is, requests/responses to the original operation/the caller are just forwarded by referred operations.

Referred operations exhibit the same parameters as the original operations. However, they may have different endpoints, protocols, and aspects.

String[1] nameInReferringInterface

The name of the referred operation within the referring interface. Currently, this name is identical to the name of the original operation. However, model processors should not rely on that fact and instead use the content of this attribute to process the referring operation.

String[1] qualifiedNameInReferringInterface

The qualified name of the referred operation within the referring interface. It consists of the name of the referring operation prefixed by the defining interface's qualified name. Both name fragments are separated by dots.

IntermediateOperation[1] operation

Link to the original operation.


The type of the attribute is IntermediateOperation instead of OperationReference because the original operation must reside in the same microservice as the referring operation and can thus not originate from an imported service model.

IntermediateEndpoint[*] endpoints

Endpoints specified for the referred operation.


If no endpoints were modeled for the referred operation's (default) protocol specifications , the addresses attribute of the IntermediateEndpoint instance will be empty.


If no endpoints were specified or could be determined from (default) protocol specifications , or in case the addresses attribute is empty, model processors may assume sensible defaults.

IntermediateProtocolSpecification[0..2] protocols

Protocol specifications of the referred operation. There might be at most one protocol specification per communication type (synchronous or asynchronous).


If no protocols were explicitly specified for the referred operation, it "inherits" the specifications of its interface. In case the interface does also not exhibit protocol specifications, model processors should assume sensible defaults.

IntermediateImportedAspect[*] aspects

Aspects of the referred operation.

IntermediateInterface referringInterface

Link to the IntermediateInterface instance, which refers to the operation.


This subsection describes concepts for the specification of microservice communication.

Class IntermediateEndpoint

A protocol- and format-specific endpoint, e.g., "" for the HTTP protocol and "application/json" for the JSON data format.

String[1] communicationType

Communication type of the endpoint. Corresponds to the type of the endpoint's protocol. The following values are possible:

Type Description
"ASYNCHRONOUS" Asynchronous communication.
"SYNCHRONOUS" Synchronous communication.

String[1] protocol

Name of the endpoint's protocol.

String[1] dataFormat

Name of the endpoint's data format. LEMMA does not prescribe the notation of data formats in defining technology models. For instance, model processors may refer to the JSON format by means of its simple name, e.g., "json", or its MIME type, i.e., "application/json". Hence, it is in the responsibility of model processor developers to ensure that processors are compatible with technology models.

String[*] addresses

List of protocol- and format-specific addresses that were assigned to the endpoint, e.g., "".


If the list of addresses is empty, model processors should assume sensible defaults as described for microservices, interfaces, operations, and referred operations.


In case the modeler did not specify a data format for an endpoint, it depends on the technology model, which endpoints are created in the intermediate service model:

  • If the technology model defines a default protocol and thus a default format, an endpoint for this protocol and format is created in the intermediate service model.
  • If the protocol is not the default protocol for the communication type and hence does not define a default format, endpoints for all formats supported by the protocol are created.


The addresses are not checked for validity by the Service Modeling Language. Model processors are required to perform validation, if necessary.

IntermediateTechnology[1] technology

Link to the technology model, which defines the protocol and data format.

IntermediateMicroservice microservice

Microservice for which the endpoint was specified.

IntermediateInterface interface

Interface for which the endpoint was specified.

IntermediateOperation operation

Operation for which the endpoint was specified.

IntermediateReferredOperation referredOperation

Referred operation for which the endpoint was specified.

Class IntermediateProtocolSpecification

A protocol and data format specification.

String[1] communicationType

Communication type of the specification. The following values are possible:

Type Description
"ASYNCHRONOUS" Asynchronous communication.
"SYNCHRONOUS" Synchronous communication.

String[1] protocol

Name of the specification's protocol.

String[1] dataFormat

Name of the specification's data format.


Class IntermediateTechnology

Intermediate representation of a technology that originates from an imported technology model and has been applied to a microservice.

String[1] name

The technology's name.

IntermediateImport[1] import

Intermediate representation of the technology model's import.

IntermediateMicroservice[1] microservice

Intermediate representation of the microservice to which the technology has been applied.


This subsection describes concepts that model references to possibly imported microservices, interfaces, or operations.

Class MicroserviceReference

Reference to a possibly imported microservice.

String[1] name

Name of the referenced microservice.

String version

Version of the referenced microservice.

String[1] qualifiedName

Qualified name of the referenced microservice.

boolean imported

Flag to indicate if the referenced microservice was imported from another service model.

IntermediateImport import

The import, which points to the imported service model from which the referenced microservice originates. Iff the imported flag flag is true, this attribute also contains a value.

IntermediateMicroservice localMicroservice

Link to the referenced microservice in the same service model as the MicroserviceReference. Iff the imported flag flag is false, this attribute also contains a value.


If the attribute is null, i.e., the referenced microservice is defined in another, imported service model, model processors need to retrieve details about the referenced service from the imported service model themselves. That is, they need to parse the imported model and find the referenced microservice leveraging the qualifiedName attribute of the MicroserviceReference instance.

IntermediateMicroservice requiringMicroservice

Link to the microservice that requires the referenced microservice.

Class InterfaceReference

Reference to a possibly imported interface.

String[1] name

Name of the referenced interface.

String version

Version of the referenced interface.

String[1] qualifiedName

Qualified name of the referenced interface.

boolean imported

Flag to indicate if the referenced interface was imported from another service model.

IntermediateImport import

The import, which points to the imported service model from which the referenced interface originates. Iff the the imported flag flag is true, this attribute also contains a value.

IntermediateInterface localInterface

Link to the referenced interface in the same service model as the InterfaceReference. Iff the imported flag flag is false, this attribute also contains a value.


If the attribute is null, i.e., the referenced interface is defined in another, imported service model, model processors need to retrieve details about the referenced interface from the imported service model themselves. That is, they need to parse the imported model and find the referenced interface leveraging the qualifiedName attribute of the InterfaceReference instance.

IntermediateMicroservice requiringMicroservice

Link to the microservice that requires the referenced interface.

Class OperationReference

Reference to a possibly imported operation.

String[1] name

Name of the referenced operation.

String[1] qualifiedName

Qualified name of the referenced operation.

boolean imported

Flag to indicate if the referenced operation was imported from another service model.

IntermediateImport import

The import, which points to the imported service model from which the referenced operation originates. Iff the the imported flag flag is true, this attribute also contains a value.

IntermediateOperation localOperation

Link to the referenced operation in the same service model as the OperationReference. Iff the imported flag flag is false, this attribute also contains a value.


If the attribute is null, i.e., the referenced operation is defined in another, imported service model, model processors need to retrieve details about the referenced operation from the imported service model themselves. That is, they need to parse the imported model and find the referenced operation leveraging the qualifiedName attribute of the OperationReference instance.

IntermediateMicroservice requiringMicroservice

Link to the microservice that requires the referenced operation.

IntermediateParameter initializedParameter

Link to the parameter that is initialized by the referenced operation.

Last update: 2022-12-16 by Florian Rademacher