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Obtaining Intermediate Models

In the following, we exemplify the process to practically obtain the intermediate representation of a LEMMA service model, i.e., a LEMMA intermediate service model. This model conforms to the intermediate specification for LEMMA service models or, more precisely, the intermediate metamodel of LEMMA's Service Modeling Language.

Handling of Imported Models

By default, the derivation of the intermediate representation of a LEMMA model also considers the handling of imported models. However, the concrete handling of imported models depends on their kind:

  • Domain Models: By default, the derivation of intermediate service models also comprises the derivation of the intermediate representations of all imported LEMMA domain models.
  • Technology Models: The information from technology models is always incorporated into intermediate domain, service, or operation models.
  • Service Models: By default, the derivation of intermediate service models also comprises the derivation of the intermediate representations of all imported LEMMA service models.
  • Mapping Models: Similarly to technology models, the information from mapping models is always incorporated into intermediate domain, service, or operation models. In addition, LEMMA supports the derivation of intermediate models from service models imported into mapping models. Since the derivation of these intermediate models boils down to the iterative transformation of imported service models into their intermediate representations, it also involves the derivation of the intermediate representations of domain models, which are imported by mapped service models, by default.
  • Operation Models: By default, the derivation of intermediate operation models also comprises the derivation of the intermediate representations of all imported LEMMA service models and their imported domain models.

Obtaining Intermediate Service Models Using the Eclipse IDE

LEMMA provides users with an Eclipse plugin for GUI-based and guided intermediate model derivation. While in the following we illustrate the usage of this plugin for LEMMA service models, the process is the same for obtaining intermediate models from LEMMA mapping and operation models.


We employ the same service model from the tour of LEMMA features. Recall that the model resides in a file called visible in the Project Explorer of the corresponding Eclipse workspace:

The code of the is as follows:

import datatypes from "../../domain/" as Domain
import technology from "../../technology/" as Java
import technology from "../../technology/" as Spring

    url = "jdbc:h2:mem:command-side-db",
    username = "${COMMAND_SIDE_SERVICE_DB_USER}",
public functional microservice de.puls.ChargingStationManagementCommandSide {
    // EXTENSION (7)
    @endpoints( "/resources";)
    interface CommandSide {
        API endpoint for creating a parking area
        @requires command Command object to specify the values of the new
                          parking area
        @returns response CreateParkingAreaCommandResponse with the
                          identifier of the created parking area or an error
        // EXTENSION (8)
        @endpoints( "/parkingarea";)
        // EXTENSION (9)
            // EXTENSION (10)
            // EXTENSION (11)
            sync in command
                : Domain::ChargingStationManagement.CreateParkingAreaCommand,
            // EXTENSION (12)
            sync out response
                : Domain::ChargingStationManagement.CreateParkingAreaCommandResponse

Step 1: Start an Intermediate Model Derivation Process

LEMMA's Eclipse plugin for intermediate model derivation supports two modes to transform LEMMA models into intermediate representations:

Single-Model Mode

In this mode, only the currently selected model will be considered for intermediate model derivation. To activate this mode, right-click on the model in the Eclipse Project Explorer and select the "Generate Intermediate $MODEL_KIND Models..." entry from the context menu, whereby the $MODEL_KIND string indicates the kind of the selected model, e.g., "Service" or "Operation". For the example service model, the context menu with the transformation entry looks as follows:

Alternatively, to activate single-model mode, you might as well hit the following button that the Eclipse plugin contributes to the Eclipse toolbar:

In addition, single-model mode is reachable from LEMMA's Eclipse menu:

Multi-Model Mode

This mode enables bulk transformation of LEMMA models in the current Eclipse workspace into their intermediate representations. The mode can be activated from LEMMA's Eclipse menu:

Step 2: Select Models for Intermediate Transformation

Independent of the selected intermediate transformation mode (cf. Step 1), LEMMA's Eclipse plugin for intermediate model transformation shows a dialog window that allows fine-grained selection of the models to derive intermediate representations from.

When activating single-model transformation on the example service model, the model selection dialog window looks as follows:

The dialog window groups the LEMMA models that can be transformed into intermediate representations by their projects in the current Eclipse workspace. Furthermore, a model clusters all transformable models, which it imports. Thus, the above model selection dialog window for the service model comprises a node for the model's Eclipse project, i.e., charging-station-management, a node for the service model, as well as a node for the domain model, which is imported by the service model and represents a transformable model.

From the dialog window, we can determine the set of models to derive intermediate representations from by selecting them with a mouse click on their node and hitting the "Continue with selected models" button. Alternatively, we can also hit the "Select all models and continue" button, which will select all displayed models for subsequent intermediate transformation.

Step 3: Specify Transformation Target Paths

After confirmation of the model selection dialog (cf. Step 2), LEMMA's Eclipse plugin for intermediate model transformation expects the specification of target paths for the intermediate models to derive. To this end, the plugin displays the following dialog window:

The table in the dialog window contains all models that were selected in the previous dialog window and informs about certain transformation-related characteristics per model:

  1. Selection column: This column contains a checkbox with which a model may be deselected from transformation. By contrast to the previous model selection dialog, the target path specification dialog enables to also deselect imported models like By default, all listed model files are selected for their intermediate transformation.
  2. Model file: Model file path relative to its Eclipse project.
  3. Model type: Model file type.
  4. Project-related transformation target path: Target path for the derived intermediate model. The column is editable and allows specification of transformation target paths relative to the Eclipse project of the model file. The default transformation target path consists of the "intermediate" folder, the "$MODEL_TYPE models" folder (where $MODEL_TYPE corresponds to the type of the model in the third table column), and the name of the model file with its extension changed to "xmi" (to indicate that the resulting intermediate model follows the XMI format).

In addition to the table, the dialog window comprises two checkboxes, which concern the intermediate transformation process of all models:

  • Convert absolute URIs in models to relative URIs: Intermediate transformation involves the conversion of import URIs into absolute file paths. For example, the transformation process will adapt the path to the model, which is imported by the model via the LEMMA statement import datatypes from "" as domain, to an absolute file URI in the user's file system, e.g., "file:///home/user/models/". While this approach supports immediate model processing independent of model files' location on the user's file system, it is not portable. More precisely, when moving model files to another computer, the absolute import paths become invalid as they are system-specific. The checkbox prevents this issue as it converts import URIs to file URIs relative to the most common path of the transformed models as selected in the target path specification dialog. For instance, when not adapting the default transformation target path, the import URI of the model within the intermediate representation of the model will resolve to "../data models/domain.xmi".
  • Output models of refinement transformations: The intermediate transformation process consists of several model transformation modules written in ATL. Depending on the transformation scenario, ATL refinement transformations may occur during the transformation process. The transformations take a LEMMA model as input, adapt it as determined by the transformation scenario, and output this refined model. Such refinement transformations enrich, e.g., domain models with technology information from mapping models. For the user the results of these refinement transformations are not visible by default, because the transformation process passes them to the next transformation step in the form of in-memory object graphs. However, the "Output models of refinement transformations" option allows serialization of possible refined models for debugging purposes.

When hitting the "OK" button in the target path specification dialog, the intermediate model transformation process starts.

Step 4: Intermediate Model Serialization

A dialog window informs about the progress of the intermediate transformation process:

If the derivation of the intermediate representations of all selected LEMMA models was successful, the progress dialog window disappears and the XMI files of the intermediate models can be found in the user's file system at the locations determined in the target path specification dialog (cf. Step 3). In case the default paths were not changed, the Eclipse projects of the input LEMMA models comprise an "intermediate" folder that stores the XMI files:

Last update: 2022-12-16 by Florian Rademacher