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Feature Overview

LEMMA constitutes a model-driven ecosystem that comes with the following features in the design, development and, deployment of microservice architectures:

  • Concern-oriented Modeling Languages: LEMMA aims to reduce the inherent complexity of microservice architectures by providing its users with dedicated modeling languages for the various challenges in the engineering of microservice architectures. Specifically, these modeling languages focus on domain-driven microservice design, technology-agnostic API modeling, and concise deployment and operation specification. All modeling languages of LEMMA come with IDE support including syntax highlighting, code completion, and as-you-type validation.

  • Practice-oriented: LEMMA's modeling languages are inspired by the requirements of real-world microservice architectures including distributed development, DevOps-based teams, and technology heterogeneity.

  • Broad Applicability: LEMMA has been used for, e.g., (i) the translation of domain-driven microservice designs into implementations; (ii) architecture recovery and quality attribute analysis; and (iii) microservice code generation.

  • Designed for Extensibility: LEMMA is designed to be extensible, e.g., with the support of new frameworks for microservice implementation or deployment. Have a look at our Developer Guide for the details.

For additional details about LEMMA's features, you may also want to watch this YouTube video:

Last update: 2022-12-16 by Florian Rademacher