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The implementation of LEMMA's modeling languages is based on Eclipse and the majority of LEMMA's components comes as a set of plugins for the Eclipse IDE. To facilitate the installation of these plugins, we provide an Eclipse Updatesite for LEMMA that you can install as described below.

1. Ensure a Suitable Package of the Eclipse IDE

LEMMA works with all Eclipse packages greater or equal version 2021-03 that provide built-in Java support.

In case you don't have a suitable Eclipse installation at hand or want to try LEMMA with a fresh installation, hit the following button to download the Eclipse IDE for Java Developers:

Minimum Eclipse Release

The above download link for the Eclipse package points to Eclipse release 2022-09 which, at the time of writing, is the latest release of Eclipse. As already mentioned above, however, you may use LEMMA with any Eclipse release greater or equal 2021-03.

2. Install LEMMA from its Eclipse Updatesite

You can install LEMMA in an existing or fresh Eclipse installation by means of Eclipse's Updatesite mechanism. The required link to LEMMA's Updatesite is as follows:

Restart your Eclipse IDE after the installation of LEMMA from this Updatesite.

3. Verify Installation

A first indicator for the successful installation of LEMMA is provided by the new entry "LEMMA" in Eclipse's main menu. Click on the menu entry and select the sub-menu entry "About LEMMA". The following window should appear to inform about the currently installed version of LEMMA.

LEMMA's About dialog.

To verify the successful installation of LEMMA even further, you can create a model in one of LEMMA's modeling languages and check whether the Eclipse IDE recognizes it correctly:

  1. Create a new Java project in Eclipse.
  2. Within the project, create a new file called Note that it is mandatory to use the extension .data as otherwise Eclipse will not be able to associate the file with LEMMA's Domain Data Modeling Language. In case the "Configure Xtext" dialog appears, just hit "Yes":
    Configure Xtext dialog.
  3. Add the following domain model code to the file:
    context HelloWorldCtx {
      structure HelloWorldStruct<valueObject> {
            immutable string string_field1,
            immutable string string_field2 = "constant",
            immutable double double_field

Eclipse should highlight the model code as follows:

Example model code highlighted in Eclipse.

Congratulations, you have successfully installed LEMMA. Now, you may want to take the Tour and explore some of LEMMA's core features.


Having trouble with the installation of LEMMA? Please do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail or open issue at LEMMA's GitHub page.

Last update: 2022-12-16 by Florian Rademacher