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In the following, we demonstrate some of the basic features of LEMMA regarding the construction and processing of microservice architecture models.


To reproduce the presented modeling steps, you should first install LEMMA on your computer.

To reproduce the presented model processing steps, the easiest way is to employ the Docker images of LEMMA's Java and deployment code generators. An installation of LEMMA already comes with an Eclipse plugin to simplify the usage of these images. However, the plugin uses Docker to instrument and execute the images so that you are required to install Docker on your computer as an additional technology. After having installed Docker, you can retrieve the images of LEMMA's Java and deployment code generators using the following commands in a commandline terminal that can access your Docker installation:

docker pull lemmahub/java_generator
docker tag lemmahub/java_generator:latest lemma/java_generator:latest

docker pull lemmahub/deployment_base_generator
docker tag lemmahub/deployment_base_generator:latest lemma/deployment_base_generator:latest

The Charging Station Management Example

For the tour of LEMMA, we leverage a single microservice from an MSA1-based application as example. Basically, the application supports the management of parking spaces that are equipped with charging stations for electric vehicles. In the following, we will refer to this application as the "Park and Charge Software Platform", or short PCSP.

The PCSP consists of several microservices, e.g., for user management, charging station search, and charging station management. For the tour of LEMMA, we will model the domain data, API, and deployment of the latter microservice, i.e., the ChargingStationManagement microservice. This microservice shall provide its clients with means to create parking spaces with charging stations at a specific location.

Learn More About the PCSP

You can learn more about the PCSP, and the rationale and decisions concerning its design in Sections 8.3 to 8.5 of the dissertation that conceived LEMMA2.

What You Will Learn During the Tour

In the following you will learn how to construct the following types of LEMMA models for the ChargingStationManagement microservice:

  • Domain model: Defines the domain data of the microservice.
  • Service model: Defines the API of the microservice.
  • Operation model: Defines the deployment of the microservice.

In addition, you will receive an impression on how model processing works with LEMMA. More specifically, you will learn how to derive executable Java code from the constructed models.

The next sections will teach you how to construct the aforementioned LEMMA models for the ChargingStationManagement microservice by means of a LEMMA-enabled Eclipse installation. If you do not want to construct the models on your own, you can also find them in LEMMA's GitHub repository in the /examples/charging-station-management/models folder.

Step 1: Create an Eclipse Project

Run your LEMMA-enabled Eclipse installation and create a new Java project called charging-station-management. We will use this project to gather all models for the ChargingStationManagement microservice. In addition, create a folder called models within the project.

The Project Explorer of your Eclipse workspace should now look similar to this:

Step 2: Create a Domain Model

LEMMA provides several modeling languages to express different viewpoints on a microservice architecture. A crucial viewpoint in almost every software project including MSA-based applications is the domain viewpoint. Therefore, LEMMA comprises the Domain Data Modeling Language to enable domain experts and microservice developers to collaboratively construct domain models.

You will now create a LEMMA domain model for the ChargingStationManagement microservice by means of the Eclipse IDE. To this end, you first create a folder called domain in the models folder of the previously created charging-station-management Eclipse project. Next, you create a file called within the domain folder. In case a dialog pops up, asking you to convert the charging-station-management project to an Xtext project, just confirm it with Yes. The .data extension of the domain model file is crucial as it signals Eclipse that the file constitutes a LEMMA domain model for which a dedicated Eclipse editor with syntax highlighting and interactive model validation exists.

After having created the domain folder and the in it, the Project Explorer of your Eclipse workspace should now look similar to this:

Eclipse shows an error marker for the new model file because LEMMA's Domain Data Modeling Language does not allow empty domain models. To fix this issue, add the following model code to the file by double-clicking the file in Eclipse's Project Explorer and entering the code in the text editor that just opened:

context ChargingStationManagement {
    structure Location<valueObject> {
        immutable double latitude,
        immutable double longitude

    structure ParkingArea<aggregate, entity> {
        long id<identifier>,
        string name,
        string description,
        Location location<part>,
        ChargerSpeed chargerSpeed,
        TimePeriods availability<part>,
        boolean activated

    enum ChargerSpeed {

    collection TimePeriods { TimePeriod p }

    structure TimePeriod<valueObject> {
        immutable date start,
        immutable date end

Bounded Contexts

The Domain Data Modeling Language enables to organize the concepts of a microservice's domain excerpt within contexts. LEMMA's notion of context is inspired by the Bounded Context pattern from Domain-driven Design (DDD) and its importance for the tailoring of microservices' domain responsibilities.

For the definition of contexts, the Domain Data Modeling Language provides the context keyword, which must be followed by the name of the context, and a pair of curly brackets to comprise the context's domain concepts (see below). Based on the context keyword, the domain model of the ChargingStationManagement microservice defines the ChargingStationManagement context as a cluster for its domain concepts. LEMMA supports three different kinds of domain concepts.

Structured Domain Concepts and Domain-Driven Design

A structured domain concept (or data structure) is introduced by the structure keyword, followed by the name of the structure, and an arbitrary number of features. In LEMMA domain models, a feature assigns additional semantics, e.g., from patterns for tactical DDD, to a domain concept. Consider the Location structure from the domain model of the ChargingStationManagement microservice. It receives the valueObject feature to identify it as a DDD Value Object.

A data structure can define an arbitrary number of typed and named data fields within curly brackets. In total, the Location structure consists of the two data fields latitude and longitude, both being typed as doubles. LEMMA supports all of Java's primitive types, and also has built-in types for dates and Strings.

Next to their types and names, both data fields of the Location structure also exhibit the immutable modifier. It signals that fields can only receive values during the instantiation of of their defining structure. Afterwards, the values remain stable for the instance's lifetime and are not modifiable by callers. Since the primary use of DDD Value Objects is information sharing, e.g., in the form of [Data Transfer Objects], it is a best practice to flag their fields as immutable.

The ParkingArea concept is another example of a data structure in the domain model of the ChargingStationManagement microservice. By contrast to the Location structure, ParkingArea receives the features aggregate and entity. It is thus a DDD Aggregate and DDD Entity. In DDD terms, this combination of patterns identifies ParkingArea as a root entity whose instances must support persistence, e.g., by storing them in a database. This latter characteristic is one of the fundamental differences between DDD Value Objects and Entities.

The ParkingArea concept clusters seven data fields:

  • id: This field is the identifier of the root entity and its value allows for distinguishing between ParkingArea instances.

  • name and description: These String-typed data fields store the name and description of a ParkingArea.

  • location: By contrast to the previous fields, location is not of a built-in primitive type but a custom complex type. More specifically, the field's type is the Location structure from the same context. Hence, a runtime value of the field will be a structure with the two nested fields latitude and longitude. Additionally, the field receives the part feature to express the intention that its values are always stored to and fetched from databases as part of the defining ParkingArea instance. This notion of aggregate-part-relationships follows DDD, in which aggregates determine a transactional boundary in the sense that the complex parts of an aggregate (i) are only accessible for callers using the aggregate; (ii) can only sensibly exist when their aggregate exists; and (iii) that they are in a valid state as prescribed by domain-specific rules when their aggregate is stored to or fetched from a database.

  • chargerSpeed: This field informs about the speed by which the charging capabilities of a ParkingArea may provide electric vehicles with energy. Again, the field's type is a custom complex type, i.e., the ChargerSpeed enumeration. You will learn more about enumerations below.

  • availability: This field stores information about the availability of a ParkingArea in the form of the two date fields start and end. Since a ParkingArea may be opened and closed at different times on different dates or time spans, the field's type is the custom collection TimePeriods. You will learn more about collections below.

  • activated: This field enables to flexible activate and deactivate the charging capabilities of a ParkingArea, e.g., for maintenance purposes. Since the field must only maintain a true/false condition, it is of the built-in primitive type boolean.

Enumeration Domain Concepts

LEMMA's Domain Data Modeling Language supports the definition of enumerations in domain models. An enumeration domain concept is introduced by the enum keyword, followed by the enumeration name, and its literals in curly brackets.

For example, the ChargerSpeed enumeration in the domain model for the ChargingStationManagement microservice defines the literals FAST and NORMAL for coarse-grained identification of the capacity of charging capabilities on a certain ParkingArea.

Collection Domain Concepts

Next to data structures and enumerations, LEMMA's Domain Data Modeling Language allows for defining collection domain concepts by means of the collection keyword, followed by the collection name, and the collection body in curly brackets.

The domain model for the ChargingStationManagement microservice defines the TimePeriods collection. It clusters sequences of instances of the TimePeriod structure and is thus a structured collection type. In LEMMA, the structure of entries of a structured collection type is determined by the data fields in its body, e.g., TimePeriod p. Primitive collection types, on the other hand, exhibit bodies with exactly one built-in primitive type, e.g., int, and without an additional field name. Such collection types store sequences of primitive values. For instance, a hypothetical collection

collection Numbers { int }

stores an arbitrary amount of integer values.

Additional Domain Concepts for Microservice Interaction

Before you are going to create a service model for the ChargingStationManagement microservice in the upcoming Step 3, you will first extend the above domain model with domain concepts dedicated to microservice interaction.

After the TimePeriod structure, add the three structures CreateParkingAreaCommand, ParkingAreaInformation, and CreateParkingAreaCommandResponse to the domain model file

context ChargingStationManagement {

    structure TimePeriod<valueObject> {
        immutable date start,
        immutable date end

    // Domain concepts for microservice interaction
    structure CreateParkingAreaCommand<valueObject> {
        immutable ParkingAreaInformation info

    structure ParkingAreaInformation<valueObject> {
        immutable string name,
        immutable string description,
        immutable Location location,
        immutable ChargerSpeed chargerSpeed,
        immutable TimePeriods availability,
        immutable boolean activated

    structure CreateParkingAreaCommandResponse<valueObject> {
        immutable long id,
        immutable string errorMessage

All three domain concepts are DDD Value Objects because the ChargingStationManagement microservice will use them to communicate information about parking areas to consumers. Note that the ParkingAreaInformation value object is a reduced version of the ParkingArea aggregate in the sense that it only comprises those data fields relevant to consumers. To foresee the required conversion of ParkingArea instances into ParkingAreaInformation instances, you could further extend the domain model with corresponding a LEMMA function signature in the ParkingArea aggregate:

context ChargingStationManagement {

    structure ParkingArea<aggregate, entity> {
        // Function signature to convert the current ParkingArea instance
        // into a ParkingAreaInformation instance
        function ParkingAreaInformation toParkingAreaInformation


A LEMMA function signature starts with the function keyword, followed by the return type, and the name of the function. Potential input parameters follow in round brackets, and consist of a type and name. In case of an empty parameter list, the round brackets can be omitted as is the case for the toParkingAreaInformation function.

LEMMA's Domain Data Modeling Language also supports procedure signatures for domain concept operations that do not return a value. A procedure signature starts with the procedure keyword, followed by the name of the procedure, and an optional parameter list. For instance, a hypothetical procedure signature

procedure updateChargerSpeed(ChargerSpeed newSpeed)

constitutes a procedure signature updateChargerSpeed with a single parameter newSpeed typed by the enumeration domain concept ChargerSpeed.

The following listing shows the complete domain model file including the three domain concepts for microservice interaction and the toParkingAreaInformation function signature:

context ChargingStationManagement {
    structure Location<valueObject> {
        immutable double latitude,
        immutable double longitude

    structure ParkingArea<aggregate, entity> {
        long id<identifier>,
        string name,
        string description,
        Location location<part>,
        ChargerSpeed chargerSpeed,
        TimePeriods availability<part>,
        boolean activated,
        // Function signature to convert the current ParkingArea instance
        // into a ParkingAreaInformation instance
        function ParkingAreaInformation toParkingAreaInformation

    enum ChargerSpeed {

    structure TimePeriod<valueObject> {
        immutable date start,
        immutable date end

    collection TimePeriods { TimePeriod p }

    // Domain concepts for microservice interaction
    structure CreateParkingAreaCommand<valueObject> {
        immutable ParkingAreaInformation info

    structure ParkingAreaInformation<valueObject> {
        immutable string name,
        immutable string description,
        immutable Location location,
        immutable ChargerSpeed chargerSpeed,
        immutable TimePeriods availability,
        immutable boolean activated

    structure CreateParkingAreaCommandResponse<valueObject> {
        immutable long id,
        immutable string errorMessage

Step 3: Create a Service Model

In this step, we use LEMMA's Service Modeling Language to construct a service model for the ChargingStationManagement microservice. The modeling language covers the concerns of microservice developers, thereby providing a means to capture the service viewpoint on a microservice architecture.

In the models folder of the charging-station-management Eclipse project, create a new folder called microservices and within that folder create another folder called command-side. Within the command-side folder, create a file called The .services extension signals Eclipse that the file constitutes a LEMMA service model. The Project Explorer of your Eclipse workspace should now look similar to this:

Rationale for the Folder Structure

You may wonder why the service model file is nested within its own folder command-side and why it does not reside immediately within the folder microservices. The rationale for this folder structure is the fact that the PCSP applies the Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) pattern to organize its microservices. That is, each logical microservice consists of at most one physical command side microservice and one or more physical query side microservices. While the command side of a logical PCSP microservice is responsible for write actions like updating database entries, the query sides provide operations for read actions, e.g., querying database entries with certain characteristics.

The query sides maintain their own databases and receive information about entry updates from command sides in an asynchronous fashion. As a result, CQRS permits independent scalability of write and read actions, of which the latter are usually much more frequent than the former, as well as the adoption of database technologies specialized for certain kinds of read actions, e.g., time series processing.

For the tour of LEMMA, you will model the physical command side microservice of the logical ChargingStationManagement microservice. Consequently, we cluster related models in their own folder, i.e., command-side, and even attach the suffix `CStep 2s, you can find them in LEMMA's GitHub repository in the /examples/charging-station-management/models/microservices/query-side folder.

As for the initial domain model constructed in Step 2, LEMMA does not allow empty service models and thus displays an error marker for the file. To fix this issue, add the following code in LEMMA's Service Modeling Language to the file:

import datatypes from "../../domain/" as Domain

public functional microservice de.puls.ChargingStationManagementCommandSide {
    interface CommandSide {
        API endpoint for creating a parking area
        @requires command Command object to specify the values of the new
                          parking area
        @returns response CreateParkingAreaCommandResponse with the
                          identifier of the created parking area or an error
            sync in command
                : Domain::ChargingStationManagement.CreateParkingAreaCommand,
            sync out response
                : Domain::ChargingStationManagement.CreateParkingAreaCommandResponse

Domain Concept Imports

LEMMA's modeling languages provides the import keyword to enable integratation of models for the same or different viewpoints on a microservice architecture. import statements always have the following syntactic form:

import [ELEMENT_TYPE] from "[MODEL_PATH]" as [ALIAS]

In the above service model for the command side of the ChargingStationManagement microservice, the imported [ELEMENT_TYPE] is datatypes which accounts for the import of domain concepts in order to type service operation parameters (see below). The [MODEL_PATH] points to the that you constructed in Step 2. Instead of the relative path from the folder that holds the service model file, i.e., models/microservices/command-side, to the folder that holds the domain model file, i.e., models/domain, you could also specify the absolute path to the imported domain model, e.g., /home/user/lemma-tour/models/domain/ Finally, the [ALIAS] of an import statement determines a shorthand name for referencing imported model elements. In the above service model, all concepts imported from the domain model are to be referenced under the alias Domain.

Microservice Definition

In LEMMA's Service Modeling Language, a microservice definition is introduced by an optional visibility modifier, followed by a mandatory service type identifier, the keyword microservice, and the fully-qualified name of the microservice.

In the above command side service model, the visibility modifier for the ChargingStationManagementCommandSide microservice is public to express the intent that the microservice shall be available to consumers that are not part of the same microservice architecture. Microservices without an explicit visibility modifier receive have architecture visibility, i.e., they are visible only to consumers that belong to the same architecture and are not to be exposed to external consumers.

The service type identifier is functional which marks the microservice to fulfill a functional, usually business-oriented, capability within the PCSP. Other service type identifiers are infrastructure (the microservice provides an infrastructure capability, e.g., monitoring) and utility (the microservice provides a reusable utility capability that is not motivated by only a single business case, e.g., currency conversion).

The microservice keyword is followed by the name of the microservice. A microservice name must have at least one qualifying level to determine the microservice's namespace. Qualifying levels are separated by dots (.) and all qualifying levels except the last one constitute the microservice's namespace3. Consequently, the fully-qualified name of the ChargingStationManagementCommandSide microservice is de.puls.ChargingStationManagementCommandSide. It consists of the namespace de.puls and the microservice's simple name ChargingStationManagementCommandSide.

Interface Definition

The definition of a microservice ends with a pair of curly brackets that cluster the service's interfaces. In LEMMA, each microservice must comprise at least one interface, and each interface specifies a single portion of the service's API4 as a collection of one or more service operations (see below).

LEMMA's Service Modeling Language, provides the interface keyword to introduce an interface. The keyword is followed by the name of the interface. That is, the above service model for the ChargingStationManagementCommandSide microservice defines a single interface called CommandSide.

Like microservices, interfaces can receive visibility modifiers. Without an explicit visibility modifier, interfaces inherit the visibility of their defining microservices. As a result, the visibility of the CommandSide interface is public as this is the visibility of the ChargingStationManagementCommandSide microservice.

Operation Definition

The definition of an interface ends with a pair of curly brackets that cluster the interface's operation. In LEMMA, each interface must comprise at least one operation.

An operation definition does not require an introductory keyword. Instead, you state the name of the operation, followed by a pair of round brackets for possible parameters, and a semicolon to end the operation definition. Thus, in the above service model for the ChargingStationManagementCommandSide microservice, the CommandSide interface consists of a single operation createParkingArea which has two parameters (see below).

LEMMA's Service Modeling Language also integrates a special syntax for API operation comments. It allows the documentation of an operation's purpose and can later be translated, e.g., into OpenAPI specifications. An API operation comment has to occur before the operation's definition and within a pair of three consecutive dashes (---). Hence, the createParkingArea operation exhibits the API operation comment API endpoint for creating a parking area.

Operation parameters may also receive a documentation as part of an API operation comment. For this purpose, LEMMA provides the built-in annotations @param, @requires, and @returns. @param and @requires document incoming operation parameters that are either optional (@param) or mandatory (@requires). @returns, on the other hand, documents outgoing operation parameters. After a built-in documentation annotation, the name of the parameter and the documentation comment follow. In the above service model for the ChargingStationManagementCommandSide microservice, you documented the purpose of the createParkingArea operation's incoming parameter command and the outgoing parameter response, respectively.

Parameter Definition

A modeled service operation may receive and return an arbitrary number of parameters. A parameter definition starts with a keyword that identifies the parameter's communication type. The sync keyword introduces parameters that an operation expects to receive or promises to return synchronously. The async keyword, on the other hand, introduces parameters that an operation expects to receive or promises to return asynchronously.

Next to a communication type, a parameter definition in LEMMA's Service Modeling Language can explicitly state the direction of a parameter which can be incoming (in modifier), outgoing (out modifier), or bidirectional (inout modifier). In case a parameter definition omits a direction modifier, the parameter is assumed to be incoming.

A parameter definition is concluded by the parameter's name, a colon, and the parameter's type. The type of a parameter may either be a built-in primitive type like int or String, or a domain concept imported from a LEMMA domain model (see above). To reference an imported domain concept for typing purposes, you first have to state the alias of the import, e.g., Domain, followed by two consecutive colons (::), and the fully-qualified name of the concept within the imported domain model. The fully-qualified name of a domain concept consists of the name of the concept's context and the name of the concept itself separated by a dot.

The following table identifies the communication type, direction, and type of each parameter of the createParkingArea operation from the above service model for the ChargingStationManagementCommandSide microservice

Parameter Communication Type Direction Type
command synchronous (sync) incoming (in) CreateParkingAreaCommand domain concept (from context ChargingStationManagement of imported model with alias Domain)
response synchronous (sync) outgoing (out) CreateParkingAreaCommandResponse domain concept (from context ChargingStationManagement of imported model with alias Domain)

From the definitions of its parameters, we can phrase the purpose of the createParkingArea operation in natural language as follows:

Purpose of the createParkingArea operation in natural language

Take a command object comprising all relevant information to create a new parking area as input, execute, and return a response to the caller consisting of the identifier of the new parking area and/or an error message. Since both parameters are marked as synchronous, the invocation of createParkingArea is blocking for callers, i.e., they should wait for a response before they can proceed sensibly.

Step 4: Enrich the Service Model with Technology Information

So far, we have used LEMMA's Domain Data Modeling Language and Service Modeling Language to construct the domain model of the logical ChargingStationManagement microservice and the service model for its phyiscal command side microservice (de.puls.ChargingStationManagementCommandSide), respectively. Recall that LEMMA organizes its modeling languages into different architecture viewpoints on microservice architectures. That is, the domain model reifies the concepts of the domain view on the ChargingStationManagement microservice and the command side service model represents a portion of the service view on the microservice.

Next to domain and service characteristics, another crucial aspect of MSA-based applications is technology or, more precisely, the possibility to employ an arbitrary number of heterogeneous technologies for microservice implementation and deployment5.

LEMMA treats technology heterogeneity as a dedicated concern in microservice implementation and thus provides the Technology Modeling Language to cluster technology information in technology models that are flexibly applicable to modeled microservices.

In the following, you will enrich the above technology-agnostic service model for the ChargingStationManagementCommandSide microservice with technology information for Java and the Spring framework. While this step binds the microservice to a certain technology stack, it also allows for generating executable code from the model, as we will see below.

Before you can extend the service model with technology information, you are first required to construct or download LEMMA technology models for the desired technologies. As a first step, create a folder called technology in the models folder of the charging-station-management Eclipse project. Next, create the two files and within the folder. The extension .technology informs Eclipse that the files are to comprise models expressed in LEMMA's Technology Modeling Language. The Project Explorer of your Eclipse workspace should now look similar to this:

Next, copy the contents of the following two listings to the corresponding technology model file.


Here, we will not go into further details concerning the construction of technology models. Please refer to the user guide of the Technology Modeling Language to learn about technology model construction.

Additionally, the following two listings only comprise technology information relevant to the tour of LEMMA. You can follow these links to LEMMA's GitHub repository in order to examine the complete model contents:,

technology Java {
    types {    
        primitive type Boolean based on boolean default;
        primitive type Byte based on byte default;
        primitive type Character based on char default;
        primitive type Date based on date default;
        primitive type Double based on double default;
        primitive type Float based on float default;
        primitive type Integer based on int default;
        primitive type Long based on long default;
        primitive type Short based on short default;
        primitive type String based on string default;
        primitive type Object based on unspecified default;
technology Spring {
    protocols {
        sync rest data formats "application/json"
            default with format "application/json";

    service aspects {
        aspect Application<singleval> for microservices {
            string name;
            int port;
        aspect DatasourceConfiguration for microservices {
            string driverClassName = "org.h2.Driver";
            string url<mandatory>;
            string username<mandatory>;
            string password<mandatory>;
        aspect Post<singleval> for operations {
            selector(protocol = rest);
        aspect RequestBody<singleval> for parameters {
            selector(exchange_pattern = in);
        aspect ResponseEntity<singleval> for parameters {
            selector(protocol = rest, exchange_pattern = out);
        aspect Valid<singleval> for parameters;

With the technology models at hand, you can now turn the technology-agnostic service model for the ChargingStationManagementCommandSide microservice into a technology-specific service model. The following listing shows the result of this step and therefore identifies the technology extensions with // EXTENSION comments:

import datatypes from "../../domain/" as Domain
import technology from "../../technology/" as Java
import technology from "../../technology/" as Spring

    url = "jdbc:h2:mem:command-side-db",
    username = "${COMMAND_SIDE_SERVICE_DB_USER}",
public functional microservice de.puls.ChargingStationManagementCommandSide {
    // EXTENSION (7)
    @endpoints( "/resources";)
    interface CommandSide {
        API endpoint for creating a parking area
        @requires command Command object to specify the values of the new
                          parking area
        @returns response CreateParkingAreaCommandResponse with the
                          identifier of the created parking area or an error
        // EXTENSION (8)
        @endpoints( "/parkingarea";)
        // EXTENSION (9)
            // EXTENSION (10)
            // EXTENSION (11)
            sync in command
                : Domain::ChargingStationManagement.CreateParkingAreaCommand,
            // EXTENSION (12)
            sync out response
                : Domain::ChargingStationManagement.CreateParkingAreaCommandResponse

Technology Model Imports and Applications

Extensions (1) and (2) import the constructed Java and Spring technology models into the service model. The syntax for technology model imports is almost identical to that for domain model imports (see above). Specifically, technology model imports differ only for the import statement's [ELEMENT_TYPE] which receives the value technology instead of datatypes.

Extensions (3) and (4) apply the imported technology models to the ChargingStationManagementCommandSide microservice using the Service Modeling Language's built-in @technology annotation. The annotation specifies in round brackets the aliases of the imported technology models to apply to a microservice. The application of technology models to microservices is necessary to express that a microservice depends on a certain technology and also makes technology aspects available for that microservice.

Technology Aspect Applications

In LEMMA, the syntax for technology aspect application follows this pattern:


Extensions (5), (6), and (9) to (12) rely on this syntactical pattern to apply technology aspects from the imported Spring technology model to the ChargingStationManagementCommandSide microservice, its createParkingArea operation, and the operation's parameters.

The following table describes the semantics of the applied Spring aspects:

Extension Applied Aspect Targeted Model Element Semantics
(5) Application ChargingStationManagementCommandSide microservice The aspect allows configuring of certain Core Properties of Spring Applications. Using the aspect's name property as illustrated by the above service model, it is for example possible to determine a value for Spring's Core Property.
(6) DatasourceConfiguration ChargingStationManagementCommandSide microservice The aspect allows configuring of certain Data Properties of Spring Applications. For instance, the aspect's url, username, and password properties support the specification of values for Spring's spring.datasource.url, spring.datasource.username, and spring.datasource.password Data Properties, as shown in the above service model.
(9) Post createParkingArea operation The aspect maps to Spring's @PostMapping annotation.
(10) RequestBody command parameter The aspect maps to Spring's @RequestBody annotation.
(11) Valid command parameter The aspect maps to the @Valid annotation from the Bean Validation API for Java.
(12) ResponseEntity response parameter The aspect maps to Spring's @ResponseEntity annotation.

In general, it is in the responsibility of LEMMA model processors (see below) to process technology aspects in a sensible manner. For example, in the above model for the ChargingStationManagementCommandSide microservice, the name property in the application of the Application aspect on the microservice receives the value "ChargingStationManagementCommandSide". LEMMA's code generator for Java and Spring (see below) will leverage this information from the aspect application to produce the entry"ChargingStationManagementCommandSide" in the file for the microservice. Similarly, the generator will produce the @PostMapping annotation on the Java method it derives from the createParkingArea microservice operation because the service model applies the corresponding Post aspect on the modeled operation.

Increase of LEMMA's Expressiveness by the Aspect Mechanism

LEMMA's technology aspect mechanism is not constrained to the configuration of technology-related characteristics alone. More precisely, the Technology Modeling Language does not constrain the semantic scope of aspect-based metadata, thereby making technology aspects a powerful feature that allows semantic enrichment of LEMMA models as required. For instance, technology aspects can be used to integrate patterns such as CQRS with LEMMA. A corresponding technology model can be found in LEMMA's GitHub repository in the /examples/charging-station-management/models/technology/ file.

Communication Protocol Endpoints

Extensions (7) and (8) of the service model for the ChargingStationManagementCommandSide microservice configure communication protocol endpoints for the CommandSide interface and createParkingArea operation.

Endpoint configurations follow this syntactical pattern:


For the configuration of communication protocol endpoints, LEMMA's Service Modeling Language integrates the built-in annotation @endpoints.

Applications of the annotation first reference in round brackets the communication protocol for which one or more endpoints shall be configured. The existence of communication protocols is specified within technology models. For example, the model that you constructed in the previous step, includes a definition of the rest protocol that maps to the eponymous architectural style. Within an endpoint configuration, we can refer to the communication protocol following a syntactical pattern very similar to technology aspect references within aspect applications:


Hence, to refer to the rest protocol from the model imported by the above service model under the Spring alias, you use the statement in the applications of the @endpoints annotation on the CommandSide interface and createParkingArea operation.

References to communication protocols within @endpoints annotations are followed by a colon and a list of endpoint addresses separated by commas. For the CommandSide interface and createParkingArea operation, the above service model specifies the endpoint addresses "/resources" and "/parkingarea", respectively.

Step 5: Generate Java Code from the Service Model

In the previous step, we enriched the service model with technology information that is can be used to map the model to executable Java code. In general, the process of mapping abstract model code to executable code in a programming language is called code generation. When focusing on Java and the Spring framework as the target environment for executable microservices, an intuitive mapping of the service model could consider, among others, the following relationships between model elements and Java code fragments:

  • Map the modeled ChargingStationManagementCommandSide microservice to an eponymous Java class.

  • Map the modeled CommandSide interface to an eponymous Java class. Since the interface exhibits a rest endpoint, add Spring's @RestController annotation to the class. Furthermore, configure the endpoint's "/resources" address for the interface by applying Spring's @RequestMapping annotation in the form @RequestMapping(value = {"/resources"}).

  • Map the modeled createParkingArea operation to a method within the Java class for the CommandSide interface. Among others, the method exhibits an application of Spring's @RequestMapping annotation for the "/parkingarea" rest endpoint, an application of Spring's PostMapping annotation (from the application of the @Post aspect on the modeled operation), and Java counterparts for the command and response parameters of the modeled operation.

To obtain an executable, Java- and Spring-based microservice implementation from the above service model, you can leverage an Eclipse plugin that came as part of your LEMMA installation. You can activate the plugin by clicking on the "Run As"-button ("Run As") in Eclipse's menu bar or choose the "Run" entry from Eclipse's "Run" menu. Independent of whether you clicked the button or the menu entry, it is important that the service model is the current editor in the open Eclipse instance. If that is the case, the following dialog window will appear after clicking the button or the menu entry:

In the window, hit the "OK" button which will result in the following dialog window to appear:

Since you are going to generate executable microservice code from the service model via the Docker image of LEMMA's Java code generator, you can click on "Continue" thereby activating the following dialog window:

This last dialog window allows for configuring the Java code generator. In fact, you can leave all configuration text boxes in their default state and only have to specify a target folder for the generated Java code. To this end, hit the "Browse..."-button next to the "Generation target folder" text box and select the "src" folder from the charging-station-management Eclipse project. The configuration dialog window should then look similar to this:

Missing Java Base Generator Docker Image

In case the dialog window displays an error marker for the "Java Base Generator Docker image" text box stating that the proposed lemma/java_generator:latest Docker image does not exist, it is likely the case that you did not rename the pulled image using the docker tag command as described in the "Prerequisites" section above.

If that is the case, hit the "Browse..." button next to the "Java Base Generator Docker image" text box and select the Docker image with name lemmahub/java_generator:latest from the appearing dialog window.

Finally, hit the "Run" button to start LEMMA's Java code generator on the service model for the ChargingStationManagementCommandSíde microservice.

Reusable Eclipse Run Configuration

With hitting the "Run" button, LEMMA's Eclipse plugin for model processor execution will silently create an Eclipse Run Configuration called "Run_JBG_Docker_ChargingStationManagementCommandSide_services". You can review the Run Configuration within Eclipse using the menu entry "Run > Run Configurations..." and selecting the configuration from the launch group "LEMMA Model Processor" on the left side of the appearing dialog window.

In the dialog window, you can hit the "Show Command Line" to review the command that the Run Configuration will execute on your system to run the Java code generator in a Docker container. The output of the button looks similar to this:

The Run Configuration is reusable so that you do not have to complete the previous dialog window each time you want to re-generate code from the model. Instead, each time you click the "Run As"-button ("Run As") in the future while having the service model for the ChargingStationManagementCommandSíde microservice opened in the active Eclipse editor, the Run Configuration will directly be executed.

LEMMA's Eclipse plugin for model processor execution opens an Eclipse Console informing you about the various steps of the code generation process. The console message Model processor execution finished informs you about the success of the code generation process, which usually takes five to ten seconds.

Step 7: Compile and Review the Generated Code

After the code generation process finished, you can find the generated code in the "src" folder of the charging-station-management Eclipse project.

Since LEMMA's Java code generator aims to produce all necessary artifacts for compiling and executing a microservice, you can find a pom.xml for the Maven build management system in the src/de/puls/ChargingStationManagementCommandSide folder. In case you have Maven and Java 11 or greater installed on your system, you can compile the generated code using the following command in the src/de/puls/ChargingStationManagementCommandSide folder:

mvn package

After the command finished, the resulting Java archive can be found in the src/de/puls/ChargingStationManagementCommandSide/target folder within the charging-station-management-command-side-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar file.

From the src/de/puls/ChargingStationManagementCommandSidemain/java/de/puls/ChargingStationManagementCommandSide folder, you can also review the generated Java code. For example, you may want to have a look at the following files:

  • Class implementing the Spring entry point of the ChargingStationManagementCommandSide microservice.

  • interfaces/ Class implementing the modeled CommandSide interface and a method stub for the createParkingArea operation.

  • domain/ChargingStationManagement/*: All classes obtained from the domain concepts comprised in the domain model for the ChargingStationManagement.

Note how the Java code for the microservice, interface, and operation is consistent to the intuitive mapping described in Step 5.

  1. MSA: The Microservice Architecture style. 

  2. Rademacher, Florian: A Language Ecosystem for Modeling Microservice Architecture. University of Kassel, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, PhD Thesis, October 2022. . – 867 p.. 

  3. This mechanism in fact follows the rules for package declarations in Java. 

  4. API: Application Programming Interface (cf. for a definition of the term). 

  5. In fact, technology heterogeneity may be considered one of the benefits of MSA as it enables to employ the most sufficient technologies for microservice implementation and deployment. On the other hand, it can make microservices prone to technical debt and increase the learning curve for new team members. Careful consideration of the existing degree of technology heterogeneity is thus required before deciding for the adoption of new technologies such as programming languages, frameworks, databases, API gateways, or monitoring tools. 

Last update: 2022-12-16 by Florian Rademacher