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User Guide

The user guide provides information for stakeholders interested in expressing their concerns towards a microservice architecture from their specific viewpoint. More precisely, LEMMA provides a set of different, viewpoint-specific modeling languages to express such concerns in dedicated architecture models that can later be integrated and used, e.g., to generate executable microservice code.

The following table provides an overview of the viewpoints on microservice architectures supported by LEMMA, and the addressed stakeholders and corresponding LEMMA modeling languages:

Viewpoint Stakeholders Modeling Languages
Domain Domain Experts, Microservice Developers, Software Architects Domain Data Modeling Language
Operation Microservice Developers, Operators, Software Architects Operation Modeling Language
Service Microservice Developers, Software Architects Service Modeling Language
Technology Technology-Savvy Stakeholders, e.g., Microservice Developers, Operators, or Software Architects Technology Modeling Language

Please note that LEMMA's documentation is currently work in progress. Therefore, the user guide is not complete yet and we will refer to sections in the dissertation that conceived LEMMA1 whenever there exists no dedicated writing for a certain article in the user guide yet.

  1. Rademacher, Florian: A Language Ecosystem for Modeling Microservice Architecture. University of Kassel, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, PhD Thesis, October 2022. . – 867 p.. 

Last update: 2022-12-16 by Florian Rademacher